MoreVino, our own loyalty program is now live.
The purpose? To reward, you, loyal customer by giving you more!
Register online by filling in this form or come by Vino Cultura to do the registration with the help of our staff. You will receive your unique number.
You will get a sign-up bonus of 300 points!
How does it work?
Shop at any of our point of sales: Vino Cultura, Vino Deli, Rous or online at https://vinocultura.net, give your loyalty number, your phone number or full name to the cashier at the time of your purchase or enter your loyalty number online if you are shopping from our e-shop. Points will be automatically added to your card based on your current purchase.
The total number of points you have in your card account will be printed on your receipt, every time you make a purchase.
The total number of points acquired can be redeemed at any of our restaurant or our cellar or online (e-shop).
Accumulation of points
Every €1 of purchases adds 1 point to the account of the MoreVino card.
Redemption Policy
Loyalty points can be redeemed on products from VHG and have 1 year duration period from the date of collection. Point redemption is considered as an offer and thus cannot be combined with any other offer. Points cannot be redeemed on Gift Card.
Case of Loss
In case you lose your card, all you have to do is report the loss to VHG, by sending an email to info@vinohospitalitygroup.com. We will, in turn, issue another card for you, which will of course carry all the points you already have accumulated on your lost card.
*Points cannot be redeemed during sale periods and on special offers.
This month we are introducing our first gift:
6 luxury Lehmann glasses Hadrien 45cl
Capacity: 45 cl
Dimensions : H : 216 mm / Ø : 95 mm
Type of fabrication: Machine made
Collect 1000 points and get them for free!
More gifts to be unveiled during the year!